
“She will laugh and cry with you like a friend, and for a moment you may even forget what a master she is at her craft: the craft of guiding you back to yourself.”

Deborah’s joy is to invite you to notice the freedom at the heart of all struggle. This liberation, this Awareness, is not dependent on circumstances. It is our nature, and the real source of wellbeing.

As we discover what we really are, we begin to relate to our thoughts, feelings and patterns with newfound curiosity and compassion. From here, fresh possibilities and more authentic choices can arise in our lives. 

This is the heart of conscious living.

Who is it for

Sessions are for anyone who resonates with this approach. Maybe you have tried psychotherapy before and are now open to a different path, one that honours spirituality as well as our very human vulnerability.


Deborah now lives in Milan and offers sessions on Zoom and in person.


– Regular sessions (weekly, fortnightly or monthly, to be decided together based on your unique needs).

– A one-off two-hour deep dive based on a question you would like to explore.

Deborah offers meetings in English or Italian.

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I'll meet you there.